I’ve been thinking about different kinds of fibres,
land-born and
animal-born, human made, and water-born
- - and what if land-born fibres are submerged in water and
water-born fibers then mix with air
Could we try weaving underwater or weaving with air?
I've been thinking about fibres as being both of the world
and as
scaffolding to weave with more world that is yet to come,
From appearance, with its qualities, and then tendencies, came thinking about the
components that combine in this concrescence. Each fibre, appearing already as a weave, the result of conditions and the occasions from which it emerged - - -
that colour, that
length, the coarseness, its taste
I'm thinking about fibres as being both of the world
and as scaffolding
to weave with more world that is yet to come,
stalks of grass and now with seed, think the wind that carries the seed, think that
same wind filled with the scent of cut grass - - - into thatched roofs, broom, mat, and offering
- - - in the world and to weave with more world that is yet to
Apparatus and agent
a maple tree, February, a warming sun,
think surge, then sap and a sweet taste - - - think buoyancy in the wood - - - a future
In India they say that there's fire in the wood.
a maple tree - - - now a carved cup
a carved cup filled with sap
I'm enjoying reading this again, Ramona. So beautifully put.