The sound takes a breath before sounding.
Its sounding, then moving the trees and its green blackness, moves me out into night.
Melt brings its green black wetness to mix with the air and its light
Soon to become many colours.
My breath sounds a thick lavender grey upon the cool blue black air.
Will autumn still feel its spring,
And yellow remember its green blackness?
And how is it that we say the trees g o d o r m a n t ?
I s t h a t a l s o f o r t h e g u I t a r ’ s w o o d
w h e n t h e p l a y e r g o e s t o b e d - - -
a n d w h e n t h e p l a y e r d r e a m s h I s s o n g s ?
Some propositions for blurring:
- Tree frog songs for a November forest
- Soundings that vibrate green blackness to the now fading yellow gold.
Act 1: Dusk.
The shore of a small northern pond
The waking of a northern spring.
Acoustic setting:
The pond melt, the bark resonating with tree frogs.
Act 2: Dusk.
The same shore of a small northern pond
The pond sliders upon the water’s surface at summer’s end.
Acoustic setting:
The pond melt, the bark resonating with tree frogs.
beautiful, Ramona!