Towards the more than human

Dear cuffers, an interesting movement is being done within the concepts and leitmotifs we are circling from last class to tomorrow one. From "futur anterieur" to a "dance into future movement; the future in the present-moving". I think of folding the punctum towards movement. Folding images, photo cuffs, into movement cuffs: play, concern, regard, in-forms. Not yet but already. Almost but not quite. In between... ... Dawn Prince and Kenzi.

Not just a movement cuff, but a cuff that (un)folds species, gender, forms, towards a dance of many gradients, traces, clues, "almosts". Body as a cuff itself, made of folds, many folds.

I thought about bringing to the foreground a video from William Forsythe dance company, the choreographer that Erin quotes on this class text, . Hope you enjoy it!

"The Loss of Small Things"

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