on reading "another regard"
bloc of sensation jumps off the page
bites the neck
becomes a speciation
as a gesturing of counterpoint
I wanted to intuitively offer
a way of entering into
the concept
bloc of sensation
to see-feel how these two
speciation -blocs of sensation
could dance together
blowing thoughts around:
in order to enter into a concept
one has to invent a way of doing it
because there’s modes of thought
that will require to do it differently
what would that different procedure be then?
perhaps a relational map of conceptual flashes
that not necessarily connect
but start building a presence
or an aroundness
a kind of composition of tickling wordings
toward an articulation of something
less clear and more ambiguous
yet truly important
and precise
ambiguity of thought as a political stance
(indiscernibility is more adequate perhaps)
as a way to bring forth other qualities of
intensive forces that in-form a felt sensation
rather than a sensical field
a bloc of sensation in the deluzian sense
as a composition of percepts and affects
(Deleuze&Guattari What is Philosophy 164-185)
we’ll come back to that
like this, a more improvisatory (weighting)
instead of a proved righting
a weighting in the nietszchean sense
in the sense of feeling fielding the forces at
in the sense of exercising a valuation
as a productive act
valuation as feeling
feeling in the whiteheadean sense
(Whitehead, Adventure
of Ideas, 177-182)
feeling as prehension
in the middle of process
what grabs and absorbs
in the middle of a learning process
there’s other ways of reading
that are not necessarily apt to
produce reviews
yet they produce something else
would it be interesting to witness
that something else production?
a flickering of pages
a forgetful reading
other kinds of notes
notes that produce movements
instead of anchors
movements of repetition
that will come back or not
in the emergence of fields of relation
to trust that these ways of knowing
could also be valid
could also produce different kinds of value
different textural gestural texts?
this way of writing brings the noted notes
in a different way
it pulls them out in-with the movement
of the writing
rather than from an already premade synthesis
the synthesis co-composes in-with the writing
the movement of the writing produces
an activation that makes possible for
past readings to have presence
from a produced necessity
from a relational encounter
from a field of relation
one that does not exist beforehand
but which emerges
as a platform
for articulating
the difficult
Day ·1
the text moves
and a concept jumps
blocs of sensation
encountered it three years ago
didn’t know that it was flickering there
it made an entry
it is (t)here
the story… i go searching:
have to touch
with my hands and nose
every single notebook
piled on the notebook’s shelf
was not there
found three notebooks
in a different pile
they were singled out
any other day
i don’t remember
it is (t)here
“blocs of sensation”
“a sort of definition of what deleuze calls
(notes from class on Francis Bacon: The Logic
of Sensation 2012).
i go reading chapters 7, no, chapter 6 and 12
on painting and sensation and the diagram
on painting and sensation
there’s levels of sensation but no blocs of
this phrase calls my interest though
a whisper:
i feel i need to be reading chapter 8
on painting forces
but first let’s keep close to this opening
what about sensation?
something becoming in the sensation
something happening through the sensation
“i experience the sensation
only by entering the painting
by reaching the unity of
the sensing and the sensed”
an interject:
reminds me of
whithead’s objects and subjects
and how there’s no subjects on one side
who perceive or know objects
how the ‘composition of experience’
is not a knower-known relationship
with objects and subjects
on two opposite sides
an entering into focusing:
what i’m trying to do
is to find a way
to articulate
a body-space relationality
in which there’s no body on one side
and space on the other
but that there’s a process
where space is lived
in a different way than
by a separation from it
there’s a difficulty in articulating this
it is all about articulating that
and building at the same time
a way to articulate it
like what i’m just doing right here
reminds me of this phrase:
need to pay my bills
continuation of the interject:
a method is needed, and this varies with every artist
and forms part of the work
(D&G What is Philosophy 167)
(D&G ¿Qué
es la Filosofía? 168)
this phrase
emphasises how each creation will need
to create its own ways
here called “methods”
which I prefer calling techniques
this is exactly what I’m trying to do just here
and it also brings forth this:
a vast plane of composition that is not abstractly
preconceived but constructed as the work progresses, opening, mixing,
dismantling (D&G What is Philosophy 188)
(ibid 191)
which is what I call the doubling technique
a compositionality that creates
its tools at the same time as it
creates what it creates
what I always say about
is that a research-creation project
invents its own ways
of becoming that project
on the go
as it walks
as it emerges
not before it exists
there’s not a how of research-creation
before it becomes
the how is in the becoming
it finds its how of compositionality
in its becoming
back on painting and sensation
deleuze talks about how
sensation is a way to
make a Figure rather than a figuration
the first one being a mobile composition
while the second one a narrative
more depictional and
of a world out there
“the Figure is the sensible form
related to a sensation;
it acts immediately
upon the nervous system,
which is of the flesh”.
(Deleuze, Francis
Bacon: The Logic of Sensation, 34)
in brief
it provokes-creates
a felt sensation
rather than
a visual operation
of an easily recognized
in the words of Bacon
“the sensation (the Figure)
is the opposite of the form related to an
object that it is supposed to represent (figuration)”.
(ibid 36)
so we are near blocs of sensation
but not yet
we have “levels of sensation”
which means this
sensation that crosses across
different levels of experience
level body
level tissue
level color
order mouth
order sky
level raindrop
not as a raindrop falling into an open mouth
but as a mouth which has
a potential composition of raindrops
a mouth that shares
a raindropy quality
with a tear
i'm just speculating here
a how “. . . to feel a [compositionality]
more immediately real” (39)
this way of co-composing
of making felt the more immediately real
is what deleuze calls the motor hypothesis
what makes sensation cross across
different levels, orders and areas
is a motor
that is active
in the movement
that is triggered by a compositionality
of “arrests or snapshots of motion”
a way of recomposing
continuity and speed
it is not
movement per se
what turns the motor on
of the immediately-felt felt
but actually a double character
that deleuze calls “a motion in-place”
a composition of pieces which themselves are
processual compositions
that is at once and at the same time
in movement yet in place
actual and virtual
other two terms that pull this
composition toward other place
to come back to later
we were talking about that
movement in-place
we have that:
(ibid 40-41)
so sensation
is the way
to create a Figure
which is different
from creating
in a representative way
a Figure acts directly in the nervous system
also a sensation is what passes
from one level to another
and what makes
sensation pass
from one level to another
is a motor
which itself is made
of a compositionality
of spasmodic
motions in-place
which reveals
“the action of invisible forces
on the body” (ibid 41).
“the movement of [levels of sensation]
between two spasms,
between the two movements
of a contraction in one place . . .
[this is what deleuze calls:] vital rhythm"(ibid).
the story . . . body movements:
not noticing yet rolling on the floor
donutting the body
a silent thought:
the reading didn’t happened like that
it jumped from chapter 6 to chapter 12
remember the reading was looking for “blocs of
so it went back and forth
back and forth
wanting to go somewhere
as a way of reading
on the diagram
i don’t remember anything now
need to go back to the text
without going back to the text
what can i remember?
not much
this text can not
emerge from memory
it is impossible
it needs to emerge
in between
movements of going to the text
and coming to this text
i´m tempted to stop in chapter 8 on painting
very tempted
yet i go to 12
I ignore the force that calls strongest
to remain close to
yesterday day · -1.5
as an attempt to hold the movement in-place
“the painter is already in the canvas” (99)
the connection-commotion is more than
a there’s-something-there-that-draws-my-attention
there’s already a relationality in germ
bacon does not make sketches
he makes random marks
line traits of angles and speed
this is the preparatory work
invisible and silent
these irrational
involuntary traits
are manual traits
body traits
guided by
other forces
not depending
on will or sight
these traits
are traits of sensation
traits of sensation
produce the spasms
that open up way
to sensation
through the Figure
a compositionality
of the felt
where the
invisible and silent
has room to operate
these traits
for another world to emerge
“as if a zone from the Sahara
were suddenly inserted in the head”
(ibid 99-101).
they are no longer
or signifiers:
they are asignifying traits
. . .
traits of sensation” (ibid 100).
“the diagram is thus
the operative set of asignifying
and non-representative
(ibid 101).
the diagram is a germ of rhythm
a compositionality
of spasmodic forces
that unlock areas of sensation
unlocking areas of sensation
the direct sensation
upon the nervous system
through the power of vibration
and nonlocalization
according to bacon
the diagram’s function is “to be suggestive”
according to wittgenstein
is “to introduce possibilities of fact”
(ibid 101)
on possibilities of fact see What is Philosophy? p.17
according to me
is to invent other modes
of life living
other modes of learning
other modes of
worlds worlding
we’re now almost arriving
to what pulled out this whole
movement for day 1
blocs of sensation
a traject:
somewhere in between
there’s always
having to go
taking the metro
another opening
oliver sack’s enters
a bag
the bag enters
the metro
the bubble glasses of Mr. McGregor
enter the metro’s-seats-faces
they remind me of
relational fields
how these bubble glasses
were an artefact that
activated the relational field
that otherwise would
be inactive by a complex variation
on the capacity of relationality
of the vestibular system
caused by parkinson’s disease.
we’ll come back to that
back on track:
a bloc of sensation is a compositionality
of percepts and affects
“. . . -the thing or the work of art-
is a bloc of sensations,
that is
to say,
compound of percepts and affects.”
(D&G What is Philosophy
like this
a bloc of sensations
is a compound
a compositionality
a being of sensation
of spasmodic rhythm
that tweaks
the traces-traits
of sensation
those invisible forces
a notion
in this case
the notion
of body-space relationality
that asks
what if the body is not a fixed
but a process of becoming?
a kind of diagram
a bloc of sensations
a body for itself
in direct relation
with space’s
own traces-traits
of continuities and speeds
of random marks and angles
remember that sensation is what is felt
from one order to another
what is felt directly upon the nervous system
a bloc of sensation then
is not a linearity of encountering
of a one with another one
of a body and a space
but a compositionality in-with the encounter
of percepts and affects
of involuntary prehensions
before conscious perceptions
that already affect
a becoming
of asignifying traits
incorporeal forces
what acts immediately upon the nervous system
to experience sensation one has to
enter into the painting
reaching the unity of the sensing and sensed
entering into the world by becoming world
entering into space by becoming space
to experience sensation
what passes from one order to another
and so is immediately felt
it is immediately prehended
it immediately effectuates
it immediately affects
what crosses across one level to another
by a motor
activated by
arrests and snapshots of motion
movments in-place
the invisible forces on the body
bodily deformations
as random marks
irrational involuntary traits
that co-compose
a diagram
an operative set of
lines and zones
not guided by will nor sight
but by a vital rhytm
a diagram
the operative set of lines and zones
the operative set of traits of sensation
in-form a bloc of sensation
a compound of percepts and affects
“percepts are not longer perceptions” (164)
(percepts are graspings and absorbstions
of forces with other forces
percepts are capacities for entering-into
capacities for co-composing
not with another
but from with-in
capacities for becoming
<<the world is made of these capacities >>)
“affects are no longer [emotions] or affections
. . . they go beyond the strength of those who
undergo them
. . . they could be said to exist in the
absence of man
because man itself is a compound of percepts
and affects” (ibid)
man itself is a bloc of sensations
the body itself is a bloc of sensations
a-rhythmic compositionality
of invisible forces of bodily de-formation
to experience sensation
one has to enter the painting
the painter is already in the painting
not to put them in the same plane but what if
to experience sensation
the body has to enter space
one is already (in the) space
one is already a compositionality
with the lines and traces
with the traits of sensation
that co-compose space
lines, zones, angles, continuities,
trajectories and speeds
one is already a compound of these movements
a bloc of sensations
body-space relationality
a bloc
of sensations
a compositionality of movements in-place
notes that produce movements
ReplyDeleteinstead of anchors
Simply extraordinary, this reading-with and its detours. Wow!
I'm spinning, dancing after this! I'd like you to perform these notes, if you can. Perhaps create a relational performance between many, starring, Mayra, notes, movements-in-place and alongside, thoughts and bodies.
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